Tel: (419) 358-2066
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Peace represents the State of Ohio's designation of all officer's as "Peace Officers" to remind everyone that they are keepers of the peace.
Vigilance is a state of alertness paying attention to the concern and care of our citizens.
Valor is the demonstration of courage in the face of adversity.
Justice is the manner with which we strive to treat all persons fairly and equally.
Visible on the clock tower third floor window and above the window
The star marks the approximate location of Bluffton in relation to the State of Ohio
With the remodeling of the town hall, which is the center of our governmental operations, as well as a cherished community landmark, it seemed appropriate to have the structure highlighted on the patch
Because there are no less than five "Blufftons" in the nation, it is appropriate to identify that we are Bluffton, Ohio. The outline of the state replaces the word "Ohio" on the patch
Village records show the town "Marshal" dating from present to 1861, when George Burget served as the first town "Marshal" from 1861 to 1862.
BLUE BORDER: Native American association with using intuition to teach or serve
GOLD TRIM: Prestige of holding a public office
RED: Courage with which we preform our duties and to replicate the red brick of the town hall
WHITE LETTERING: Goodness for those we serve
©2024 Village of Bluffton